We had a good day passing the time until we started the celebrations.

Big C and I also went on a ski tour up our canyon. The snow was bullet hard, but we still had a good time.

Here is Big C. His skis actually broke through the crust because he jumped down off the trail.

These are frozen cougar tracks we followed half the time. They were stalking a deer. It was cool (probably because I knew they weren't fresh tracks).
That night we went up to 'The Barn' for the Gordon family festivities. This year everyone was there except for one of Big C's brothers, so there were lots of kids and we all had a ball.

Here is the Nativity with all the younger cousins. The older kids organized, dressed, directed and read the story. Princess P was thrilled to be Mary this year. It was a great production, even though Little C looks like a rock star in his costume instead of a king...

The Gordon tradition is to open presents on Christmas Eve (which my kids love), so we went around the room from youngest to oldest this year. It took a lot of time just for one, so then everyone just opened after that. FUN! - Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE Christmas??
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