That's what my husband called me after I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting yesterday. I had no idea I was so forceful. I KNOW for a fact that no strong contact came from my hand to the pulpit. I have to admit that I did feel a bit preachy, but I always do when I speak. I am far from perfect and so is my family (I spoke on Strengthening Family and Home) and I know it.

Anyway, it wasn't a good feeling. I have yet to feel great about a talk I have given. Why? I can't believe I am so insecure. My husband is great at feeding my insecurities without realizing it. Here's the link to my talk on YouTube. You can watch and tell me what you think.... JUST KIDDING!! HA HA HA
I thought your talk was awesome! So did Kim, and that is saying something cause he has a really hard time paying attention in sacrament. Not that you were pounding the pulpit, you were just good! Great, in fact. Don't feel insecure. I remember thinking when I was listening to you: I'll bet she is a really good teacher, cause you totally had my attention, in a good way. I don't know if that will make you feel better, but rest assured you did not sound like a crazy evangelical preacher.
I agree with Charlynn. You did great. And just because you talk clearly and don't beat around the bush doesn't make you a pulpit pounder.
Niel and I loved it too! I wish I had your confidence in front of a crowd that big!
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