Sunday, February 20, 2011


My oldest daughter, S, turns the big one- nine today. I just have to say how impressed I am with her and the way she lives her life. She is growing up into an amazingly competent, self-reliant woman. What more can parents ask for?

(This is a photo I took of her last week, I love it!)
She went with some of her friends to see the Grand Canyon for her birthday this weekend. I called her this morning to wish her happy birthday and she was in church. It made me so happy that she has such a strong testimony that she will go to church in a strange place where she knows no one and while she's on her own.

She is also a very talented artist. She is loving studying art and I am so proud of her and her work. This is a photo she took of the Manti temple to give my husband and I as a Christmas gift. I'll have to put some of her other art work on here sometime as well.

1 comment:

Crista said...

dont you love when they turn out so great, even when you feel reasonably confident that it had little to do with your parenting and more to do with just who they are :) I know I am feeling that way about my oldest....congrats on raising such a beautiful and wonderful young woman!