Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It is my oldest son's day of birth today. I am blown away that my second child is 17 years old. I really do not feel that old. He is such a great son I just wanted to take a few minutes and brag about him.

There have been quite a few posts on my blog lately with him in them. He is kind of our quiet boy (sometimes), so it has been fun to spotlight him a bit more than usual.
Here are some fun things about him:
  1. He is kind to everyone. Don't get me wrong, he loves to tease EVERYONE, but he is kind.
  2. He is a great drummer.
  3. He is an amazing snowboarder. (I'm sure you've seen the photos).
  4. If I ask him to do something, he does it without me having to remind him. (All you moms out there know what a wonderful quality that is!)
  5. He has shot up 6 inches this year, and is still growing (much to his relief).
  6. He honors his priesthood.
  7. He has been mistaken for Justin Beiber.
  8. He has a fun sense of humor.
  9. His hair grows like a weed.
  10. He's been a good driver so far, no wrecks, just a little bit too much speed.

1 comment:

Tonia Z said...

how funny... my second son has his birthday today too. He is 15.

Happy birthday to yours!