Sunday, March 20, 2011


Holy smokes! I can't believe it has been that long! Big C and I are getting old, but we're doing it together, so that's okay! I thought I'd do a brief timeline of our 20 years, so read on if you like, or skim through, or just skip it all together. It is more for me than anyone else.

  • 1991- Married in Manti temple, S was born 11 months later (to the day)
  • 1992- I graduated from USU and we moved down to Ephraim.
  • 1993- Built our own house, Big C worked for his dad, I taught art at Manti High
  • 1994- D born, I became stay-at-home mom
  • 1995- Taught art at Middle School in Ephraim, Trip to Southern Colorado without kids
1995- Moab
  • 1996- A born, Became a stay-at-home mom again, started annual trips to Denver in Summer.
  • 1997- S started kindergarten
  • 1998- Took kids skiing for the first time
  • 1999- D starts kindergarten, Big C starts kayaking
  • 2000- S baptized, Little C born, Nana passes away
2001- Ephraim
  • 2001- Start running rivers regularly, A starts kindergarten, I start teaching at Snow College
  • 2002- Olympic torch run past Mom's house, D baptized, Trip to Chile
  • 2003- Trip to Hawaii (Big C &I), Princess P born
  • 2004- First trip to Disneyland, A baptized, Gma Black passes away
  • 2005- L killed in avalanche, my first trip to NYC
2006- Green River
  • 2006- My mom passes away, D receives priesthood, Little C starts kindergarten
  • 2007- My trip to DC, Snake River Trip, Big C starts snowkiting
  • 2008- Built roof over patio, A receives priesthood
2009- Ephraim Canyon
  • 2009- My trip to Chicago, 1st Payette Rivers Trip
  • 2010- Princess P starts kindergarten, S graduates high school
  • 2011- 2nd trip to NYC, 20 year anniversary


Britt said...

So fun!

AL said...

Loved it!

Thanks for catching me up... I feel like I may have missed out on a few things.
Cute photos. You are adorable...