Wednesday, March 30, 2011


There was an edited movie website that was going out of business and I ended up buying a few of my old favorites. I know that it is changing the 'artistic integrity' (trying not to scoff) of the movie, but so what? I LOVE the idea! Why should I have to listen to bad language or watch bloody gore if I don't want to?

is a great old standby that I still love. The soundtrack is amazing too. I love the edited version because all the blood and guts are gone.

I love all the Terminator movies (well, I haven't seen #3). Time travel has always been fascinating to me. I got both 1 and 2.

Last of the Mohicans is one of my ALL TIME favorite movies! I am so happy that I own it, but I watched it last night and they edited out the kissing scene! SUCH a shame. It is one the best kissing scenes of all time! I'd forgotten how much I love the music too. I used to own the soundtrack on cassette once upon a time...

1 comment:

Britt said...

I miss edited movies. I have heard the "ClearPlay" works well. I (heart) Braveheart! Wish I would have seen it edited for the first time though...lots of gore. Did you hear the King's Speech is coming to select theaters edited and PG-13? Niel said it's awesome so I hope to see it edited sometime.