Wednesday, February 2, 2011


There are some movies that are just timeless for me. I can watch them over and over and they never get old. Here are some of my favorites:
Such great memories from High School and now my kids love it too. "I want my two dollars!"

Another quote-able movie. "Out of the way, Peck!" is a favorite at our house. The special effects in this movie make my kids laugh. It is also one of the reasons I used to LOVE Val Kilmer...

SUCH a favorite at our house. I need to get this on DVD before our VCR dies. "No more rhymes now, I mean it! Anybody wanna peanut?"

This one I do have on DVD and I am so glad. Even with a mullet, Kevin Costner looks good in this movie. And Alan Rickman is the ULTIMATE bad guy as the Sheriff!

I can watch either one of these versions all day every day. What is it about Jane Austen that I love? GREAT stories, great men, great heroines... maybe? Mmmm, I'm off to watch a movie!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

"Wi-i-i-i-low!" Lol, we loved that part. ALL great movies, I whole heartedly agree with your list and love them all. We just bought Princess Bride on DVD for Christmas. And I too can watch Pride and Prejudice any time, we watched it every p-day on my mission. :)