Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We really love to dye easter eggs. We are artsy enough that each egg becomes a minor masterpiece. Last night at Family Night was no exception.
S wins the prize for most dropped eggs. She just couldn't hold on to them last night. We laughed and laughed when she, then, spilled the pink dye cup. She was really on one. Big C made lots of plaid eggs. Princess P did lots of fun doodle eggs and Little C created quite a few pieces of purple perfection.

A made a very creepy eyeball egg and D wins the prize for most logos (no surprise there).

Here is one of the cartons. The kids each got to do about 5 eggs a piece, but that still wasn't enough. They were really in creative mode last night.

Here's my lovely tiger striped one- so 80's. My kids were already talking about rolling them down the hills Saturday. And so Easter Traditions begin...


Sandra said...

Love them! Now I got a hankerin' to dye!

Leslie said...

GRRRR! I wish I would have thought to do eggs last night too. Our week is so busy. Your eggs turned out beautiful!