Friday, April 30, 2010


I promise this is my last weather-related post about the cold, but I just had to show these photos. It seems like the more we all complain about the weather the worse it gets, so I am shutting up about it- even though we are having snow for 2 more days and then it is only going to get up into the 50's...
These are my two teenage boys with their idea of a snowman. Too many video games?

My two youngest kids had to get in on the fun and theirs looks just as 'friendly'. What kind of kids am I raising that would create violent snowmen? Is that what snow at the end of April has done to them??

1 comment:

the White's said...

LOL no its definately the video games...I finally had to put a stop to letting Riley draw during church a couple years ago...I kept hoping he would draw pictures of Jesus, and you know, NICE things....but no, everytime I looked over it was a picture of someone being shot out of a cannon, brains everywhere....I am setting aside therapy money instead of a college fund.