Monday, April 5, 2010


I {heart} General Conference!
conference link

How can you not love listening to the prophet and apostles?

I always try to re-evaluate my life and where I am headed after listening to the wonderful talks. My husband and I were discussing what we need to work on last night. I really feel like I need to work on teaching my children in everyday settings. I need to discuss Jesus Christ and his gospel all the time, not just at Family Night or at family scripture time.

So that is my goal: to make sure my children know what I believe, understand the principles of the gospel and help them gain a strong testimony so that they can stand on their own out in the world.

Did anyone else set any goals?


Denise said...

I LOVED that talk! I actually made that goal also! I just LOVE Conference!! It felt like this one was especially great...maybe becuase of it being Easter, or maybe becuase I just needed it! It was great!

the White's said...

I did.....after listening to President Eyring's talk I realized that I get so caught up in everyday "stuff" that I sometimes forget about my most important job of all---being a my goal is to start being more "there" for my kids--really stopping to listen when they talk, and treat them with a little more patience when they are being "high maintenance"--I love how watching conference makes me feel.