Sunday, May 9, 2010


We just spent 24 hours in St. George and it was a blast! We all agreed it was too short, but had to get home for church Sunday, so we took what we could. We had 86 f weather down there and we LOVED it! Here are some highlights...
My boys enjoying the pool at the motel.

P and little C had fun at the city water park next to the Tabernacle. There were live bands all afternoon and tons of people, but the kids loved it!

My 4 younger kids and I on the 'waterfall' at the water park. We were so thrilled to be outside in the sunshine!!

A good friend showed us the historic Judd's Store and bought the kids some ice cream. Everything was old-fashioned and so fun.

S and big C with our friend getting ready to run the gorge section of the Virgin River. They had fun too, but not as much fun as we did... We are all ready to go back this weekend, too bad it's not an option.

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