Thursday, June 3, 2010


This canyon is called Desolation and we are going to be running it's river (the Green- I know, I know, it looks brown) for the next 5 days. We have never done more than a one-nighter as a family, so it will be an interesting trip. Our two older boys aren't coming (they have Youth Conference), but we are taking my oldest (to row- she's way better than I am) and my two youngest (ages 9 and 6). There are two other families coming with us, so it should be really fun and the weather is supposed to be hot (finally). Please pray for us that we don't get eaten by mosquitos too bad. I am very excited and so are the kids! My two sons are sad to be left behind, but that's life... See you when I'm TAN!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

sounds like fun! be safe!