I have strong convictions about giving blood. I almost died 14 years ago and required 5 pints of someone else's blood to fix me. I felt a terrible sense of guilt at the time because I had never given blood before. I used to pass out just being in the same room with someone giving blood. I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to anything involving blood and/or gore, but that day I promised myself that I would give blood every chance I got.
I have kept that promise and give blood regularly, and I have had some very interesting experiences doing so. For some reason they have trouble finding my veins. Many times I have left the building with two holes in my arm, but I gave my pint! Other times they won't even take my blood because I don't have enough iron in my blood. And still others, I can't give because they never do get it right. And still, I go.
Today I had a new experience. The technician found my vein initially, but then the flow stopped. While he was jiggling the needle around in my arm (creating a fantastic bruise) air got in the tube, thus contaminating my offering and rendering it useless. Bummer. Gave the hole, the pain, the effort, the sacrifice- but without anything useful to show for it. Better luck next time...
I challenge you to give blood at the next opportunity. Eat and drink well that day and you won't regret it- even if the tech misses your vein. At least you'll know your intentions were good and you tried.
That is a very good reminder. I used to give blood all the time and then when I started having kids I could never do it because I was either pregnant, or they didn't want my blood cause my iron was low. But I should start trying again.
I get queasy just reading about your experience! I am very bad with needles and such too, but next time I can I will give blood. It is definitely needed!
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