'True Grit' (the Duke's one and only Oscar role) was one of our favs and I have even made sure my children have seen it (for Family Night, no less)...
... so I knew when the remake of 'True Grit' came out, that I was going to need to go see it. I also knew it wasn't going to be as good as the original, but I had to make sure they didn't ruin it either. I was not disappointed. It was too gory with a bit of unnecessary violence (what a surprise for a western), but I really liked it. The girl who played 'Little Sister' was amazing (and of course, we always enjoy Matt Damon). I approved.
- The Searchers
- True Grit
- The Cowboys
- Rooster Cogburn and the Lady
- Rio Lobo (filmed in Old Tucson)
My husband still contends that John Wayne batted from both sides of the plate, mostly just to tick me off because I grew up on these great shows. It has been so long since I have seen any... I'll start at the top of your list!
LOVED LOVED LOVED True Grit when I went to it a couple weeks ago...which is shocking because I have NEVER liked Westerns, despite my affection for alot of country (current) music...so I guess we are opposites in that. I never saw the original True Grit and not sure I even want to now (Im thinking I might find it a little cheesey) and I agree that the violence in this one was sometimes shocking, but that little girl was FANTASTIC!
The searchers is my fav too. Love it.
Oooh, The Searchers is a good one. My dad was not so successful instilling an appreciation when I was a kid. It took a film class in college before I finally got it. High Noon with Grace Kelley and Gary Cooper is excellent also.
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