Friday, May 7, 2010


“Motherhood …is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.” James R. Clark

This time of year is always bittersweet for me. I love Mother's Day and all the uplifting thoughts about motherhood that are shared, however, the anniversary of my mother's death was at the beginning of the week and so I am also reminded of someone I miss (terribly sometimes).
My mom and I at my wedding reception in 1991.

My mom was a remarkable woman. She grew up in a single-parent home, her father, having had a stroke when she was 5, was shipped off to a hospital in another state never to be seen again by his family who was too poor to make the journey. He passed away when she was 12. Her mother taught school and supported her 3 girls and taught them well. So well, in fact, that when my father was killed my senior year of high school, my mother stood up to the tremendous challenges that faced her with a quiet strength that will never cease to amaze me. She was the most caring, sympathetic, generous person I have ever met and was such a great example to me. Which brings me to my mother-in-law...

My husband and his mother around 1969-70.

I know some women do not get along with their mothers-in-law, but I am a great exception to that rule. I can truly say I have the best mother-in-law in the world. She even lives in the same small town I do and we get along. She is so helpful and willing to do anything I ask of her at a moment's notice, but has never once over-stepped any bounds into my personal 'mother' space. I never hear her say an unkind word about anyone and she is always there with words of wisdom when I ask for them, but never offers any unsolicited advice. What more could you ask for?

My youngest and I last summer.

I truly love being a mother. It is the greatest honor of my life and I will always be so grateful Heavenly Father was willing to send me 5 of the most amazing children ever to come to earth. He has entrusted me with their care and I take that responsibility very seriously.

I wish all the mothers and mothers-to-be out there a Happy Mother's Day and pray we can all remember the blessings we have been given and always have the desire to teach those 'blessings' the things they need to know to make this world a better place.


Britt said...

How sweet! Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Love it... Love you. So fun to see what you been up to...
Happy Mamma's Day... You are remarkable!
luke :0)