Sunday, September 12, 2010


Imagine my surprise about 2 hours after my last post when my aunt called to tell me that one of my paintings had sold. Granted, I priced them at $150 which were pretty much the cheapest paintings there, but still... I was happy anyway.
Here I am with the farm one (and the empty spot below where my truck had hung). By the time I went back to pick up my last one, it had sold too! I know I still have a long way to go, but selling my paintings went a long way to help my discouragement.

This is a very bad cell phone photo of the winner. It is the epitome of a Sanpete landscape and I really liked it.


Denise said...

Wow, that's SO exciting! Congratulations...and just for the record, I think your paintings are amazing! :)

the White's said...

WAY TO GO KIMBO!!!! I TOLD you, you are amazing!! :)

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! You ARE a professional artist! Congrats. What is "the show?" Don't tell whoever it is... okay do tell them I don't care... I like yours better than the winner.

Tonia Z said...

WOW! congrats! $150 is not a bad take either. I better pick one of yours up before I can't afford yours anymore :)

Hoontah said...

That is awesome! I am not surprised at all. I love your work.

So sorry I couldn't come to Art class. I really wanted to go. It just always falls on the most scheduled nights. :(

Hopefully next month.