Sunday, October 13, 2013


Of course we had to go climbing in Maple Canyon. The leaves changing color make this canyon even more beautiful than in the summer. It is a wonderful place to be. So yesterday we invited family and friends and even had some turn up this time. It was really fun! 
Early Bird Crag climbing area.
The first place we climbed isn't a great place to hang out, but is a good spot for kid-friendly climbs. The ground you are standing on to belay is really steep and rocky, so it's slick and uncomfortable, but we had fun anyway.

Little C at the top! Just call him Spiderman.
Why yes, my camera lens is scratched. How did you know? :/
Princess P, cleaning the route and climbing like a boss!
Little C found a lizard and gave it to his little cousin, Miss C. She loved it and named it 'Car Light.' I love that girl!
Little Miss C and her 'yizard.'
When it was time for lunch we went down and met some more family and friends. We had a picnic in a beautiful, autumn setting. We were in outdoor heaven!
Relaxing in the autumn sunshine.
Everyone was all smiles.
Later they went and climbed in a newly developed area. 
Everyone piling into Grandpa G's truck.
Playing 'restaurant' in the mountains never gets old for the girls. We all go have a 'meal'.
My new nephew is cuter than yours!

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