Saturday, February 15, 2014


 We have finally been getting some snow! Not enough, of course, that rarely ever happens, but LOTS more than we've had all season! We went up to enjoy it today and had a very fun time using it! It was pretty windy, but so warm, nobody minded.
The kids eating lunch.
A brought a couple of friends and taught them to ski. The runs weren't very well groomed (okay, they were pathetic), but they all still enjoyed themselves. 
Friend A, Awesome A, and Friend T.
As I mentioned before, it was really windy at times, so Big C unpacked his kite and got a few runs in right there at the 'resort'. He was happy and it was fun to watch him.
Big C + his kite = True Love
Princess P and Miss G got in some awesome sledding too!
My nephew (so cute I just grit my teeth!) and my Mother-In- Law (who's pretty darn cool too).

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