Monday, October 10, 2011


Our annual visit to Beck Family Farms pumpkin patch took place this evening. It was an overcast, chilly autumn day and just perfect for choosing pumpkins out of a huge field.

My children could not pose nicely for me this evening, so bear with me. The photos are a bit obnoxious. D, S and A had a wonderful time choosing their idea of a perfect pumpkin.
Princess P and Little C with their choices in orange goodness. Princess P is still in her soccer clothes (they lost their tournament game- needless to say, she is not one bit sad).

We were all in awe of Uncle D's "butt pumpkin." It was pretty awesome! Just had to take a photo.

Uncle C, Big C and I in the patch.

My children posing for a nice little portrait afterwards. What a bunch of cheesers!!

We ended up being there at the same time as a bunch of other Ephraim-ites. The little girls had a great time on the tire swing and all the kids enjoyed the hay bale maze. It is a cute place!

1 comment:

Britt said...

I can't see any pictures on your recent posts...except the scum hat one. Weird...