Saturday, November 2, 2013


Princess P is a very creative girl (like her sister before her). I just love the things she comes up with. She went to the pumpkin patch on a field trip with her class and came home with this pumpkin, telling me that she was going to make it into a witch. I love the way it turned out! She's awesome!
The green witch (notice the wart with the hair on her chin) and Princess P.
 This past week was Red Ribbon Week, so Princess P and Little C had to dress up everyday. They loved it. I don't have any photos of Little C (he takes off so fast I never got a chance), but here are two of Princess P.
Nerd Day and Crazy Hair and Sock Day.
A is a wild and crazy kid. Here are some photos to prove it... 
A loves his calculus homework. If that isn't crazy, I don't know what is.
 He has a great sense of humor, even about himself. Here is proof! Not many kids would even think to laugh about a missing finger, but he came up with this one.
That is actually a Body Parts gummy candy. hahaha! 

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